I've been following https://hackernoon.com/postgresql-logical-replication-86df5b51cc5a to set up logical replication.
I've created the table in master and publication
create table test_table_replication (a int);
create publication test_table_replication_pub for table test_table_replication;
In the standby I attempt to create a table and a subscription
create table some_schema.test_table_replication (a int);
create subscription test_table_replication
connection 'host=localhost dbname=postgres user=standby_user pass=pass port=$master_port'
And I get the error relation "public.test_table_replication" does not exist.
Is it possible to tell the subscription that it should use the table some_schema.test_table_replication instead of public.test_table_replication? I can't find any reference in the docs about tables or schemas in subscriptions.
Gabriel Fürstenheim