On 01/29/2018 03:06 PM, Jan De Moerloose wrote:
I'm using the following to detect long running queries in a webapp that
is high on cpu:
SELECT pid, age(clock_timestamp(),query_start) as age, usename, query,
state from pg_stat_activity order by age;
I would add WHERE state = 'active'
When the cpu is 100% and the app slowing down, i can see that some
queries have a long age.
Running the same queries in psql is very fast, however. The db itself is
low on cpu.
Is the age value as i calculate it representing the time spent by the
database to execute the query or does it also include the time to read
the result ? In other words, if the client is starving on cpu, will i
see higher values of age ?
Adrian Klaver