I am aware of 2 ways to select a random row from a table: 1) select * from table_name order by random() limit 1; -- terribly inefficient 2) select * from table_name tablesample system_rows(1) limit 1; -- only works on tables, not views or subqueries Is there an option that is reasonably efficient and can be used on views and subqueries?
My 0.02€: I'd say this is not possible. In order to choose a item from a set randomly, you need to consider somehow the size of the set. Solution (2) can be done because the size of the table is known to TABLESAMPLE. Solution (1) does it by actually generating the set, hence the cost, so that its size is implicitely known as well. I cannot see a way out of this conundrum for a general query for which the size is not known without executing it. I'd like to be proven false, though:-)
-- Fabien.