Hi ,
I am moving from pgFouine to pgBadger. When I compare the reports I see that there is major difference in time reported by metric Total query duration for given same postgres server log file.( excuse me for not sharing the postgres server logfile )
pgfouine reports around 2hrs where as pgBadger reports around 4hrs.
I am using below command options to execute the report. I am mainly comparing pgBadger report with queries.html report
Appreciate your help on this ? wanted to know why there so much difference in time ?
/home/postgres/fouine/pgfouine-1.2/pgfouine.php -logtype stderr -file $filename -top 30 \
-report /tmp/queries.html=overall,bytype,slowest,n-mosttime,n-mostfrequent,n-slowestaverage \
-report /tmp/hourly.html=overall,hourly \
-report /tmp/errors.html=overall,n-mostfrequenterrors \
-database $1
-report /tmp/queries.html=overall,bytype,slowest,n-mosttime,n-mostfrequent,n-slowestaverage \
-report /tmp/hourly.html=overall,hourly \
-report /tmp/errors.html=overall,n-mostfrequenterrors \
-database $1
perl pgbadger -t 30 --disable-session --disable-connection --disable-lock --disable-temporary --disable-checkpoint --disable-autovacuum -o pgbadger_out_3.html -d <DBNAME> /home/postgres/postgresql-2018-01-11_000000.log
pgFouine => Overall statistics
· Overall statistics ^
- Number of unique normalized queries: 208
- Number of queries: 2,111
- Total query duration: 2h36m45s
- First query: 2018-01-11 00:01:06
- Last query: 2018-01-11 23:20:07
- Query peak: 6 queries/s at 2018-01-11 14:26:18
- Number of errors: 70,043
- Number of unique normalized errors: 19
pgBadger => Global Stats
Global Stats
- 207 Number of unique normalized queries
- 2,113 Number of queries
- 4h41m48s Total query duration
- 2018-01-11 00:01:06 First query
- 2018-01-11 23:20:07 Last query
- 6 queries/s at 2018-01-11 17:41:30 Query peak