Found out a way out.
Logged in as root, and created a password for the postgres
Then logged in as postgres and and ran "createuser -s
Then logging in as me, ran "createdb"
On 09/01/2018 17:13, Adrian Klaver
01/09/2018 01:48 AM, Agnar Renolen wrote:
I have just installed PostGIS
(Postgres9.6) on a Debian server using apt-get.
But I have problems doing anything:
I installed as root, but trying doing things as my local user
me> createuser me
createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: role
"me" does not exist
Then, trying the same as root, but gettinge the same result.
root> createuser me
createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: role
"root" does not exist
Then trying with the -U postgres option.
root> createuser -U postgres me
createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: Peer
authentication failed for user "postgres"
How do I get started?