På fredag 29. januar 2016 kl. 02:30:59, skrev Joshua D. Drake <jd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 01/28/2016 05:23 PM, drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm running this command: *(Trying to copy a full DB (2TB) from a
> hot-standby server to a master (test) server)*
> |ssh postgres@myslaveserver "/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_dump
> --exclude-table-data='' -—format=custom
> master_db"|/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_restore --dbname=master_db_temp
> --exit-on-error —-verbose|
> Then, after 3 GB I got this error:
> |pg_dump:Dumping the contents
> oftable"invoices"failed:PQgetResult()failed.pg_dump:Error message
> fromserver:ERROR:canceling statement due toconflict withrecovery
> DETAIL:Userwas holding a relation lock fortoo long.pg_dump:The command
> was:COPY dm.invoices
> (invoice_id,format_version,ts_issue,ts_ack,customer_id,code,tag,account_data,customer_data,invoice_data,invoice_items_data)TOstdout;|
> I've tried the pg_dump command even with: "--no-unlogged-table-data"
> option, but it was unsuccessful
> (http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/E1TutDO-0001Hb-2v@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
> DB size: 2 TB
> How can I solve the problem? What's going on? Thanks
Back up everything from the master.
I'm still getting this on standby running 10.1 (both on primary and standby)
Isn't this supposed to work? Isn't some of the point of having a hot-standby like this to be able to backup from it?
Andreas Joseph Krogh
CTO / Partner - Visena AS
Mobile: +47 909 56 963