Development Platform: Ubuntu 17.10 mainly command line work
Tools: perl 5.26 and postgresql 9.6
Goal: Display duplicate aria titles on screen and to a local file
Database name: arias
Table name: aria_precis
csv delimiter: the # symbol
arias=# \d aria_precis
Table "public.aria_precis"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | text | not null
aria | text |
artist | text |
a_artist | text |
album_title | text |
"aria_precis_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
1. Can't connect aria title to id
2. Can't write discovered information to file
I know about this link but I probably didn't understand what I read there.
What I know displays the 46 duplicate aria titles of 413 entries but not the id or artist:
SELECT aria FROM aria_precis WHERE aria IN (SELECT aria FROM aria_precis GROUP BY aria HAVING COUNT(aria)>1);
When I perform the following I get (0 rows):
SELECT aria FROM aria_precis WHERE aria IN (SELECT aria FROM aria_precis GROUP BY id, aria HAVING COUNT(aria)>1);
(0 rows)
After I get the above information how do I write that information to a file? The only thing I know writes the entire database to a file:
\COPY aria_precis TO '/home/sherman/aria_precis_2.csv' WITH DELIMITER '#,' CSV HEADER;
Thank you;
On the cmdline just do:
psql arias <pwd> -c ‘SELECT aria FROM aria_precis WHERE aria IN (SELECT aria FROM aria_precis GROUP BY aria HAVING COUNT(aria)>1)‘ > outfile.txt