On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 11:49, Michael Fuhr wrote: > On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 11:20:41AM -0500, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote: > > > I have a view that used union all to merge three tables together. I was > > hoping to create a rule, one for each table using the WHERE condition of > > the rule to determine which table gets updated. Is this possible? > > See the CREATE RULE documentation: > > http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/static/sql-createrule.html > Thanks, that explains a lot, but still not able to get my rule to work, this is what I have now: CREATE RULE "update_unconditional" AS ON UPDATE TO "public"."viewdeterioratedlbp" DO INSTEAD NOTHING; CREATE RULE "update_xrf" AS ON UPDATE TO "public"."viewdeterioratedlbp" WHERE ((new.note)::text = 'Unit'::text) DO (UPDATE tblxrf SET deterioration = new.deterioration WHERE (tblxrf.xrf_id = new.xrf_id);); ohc=# update viewdeterioratedlbp set deterioration = 'test' where xrf_id = 143; UPDATE 0 This is the first rule I have tried to setup, I read through the doc, but don't seem to be able to catch what I'm doing wrong. Do I have to update all fields for it to work? -- Robert ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend