Hi Atri,
Virendra Shaktawat
Database Developer
R&D .Net Department
T / +91 (0) 90999 07116
virendra.shaktawat@ / www.quipment.in
From: Atri Sharma [mailto:atri.jiit@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 21 December 2017 06:21 PM
To: Virendra Shaktawat - Quipment India <virendra.shaktawat@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Foreign Data Wrapper
On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 5:54 PM, Virendra Shaktawat - Quipment India <virendra.shaktawat@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello ,
I have stuck at foreign data wrapper. I am accessing the form MS Sql Server. Foreign table has been created with data.
unfortunately I am unable to perform DML operation like insert, update and delete on foreign table. Whenever I tried to perform DML operation on foreign table we are getting error i.e. “ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "test12"
SQL state: 0A000”
Kindly give me response soon because I am stuck at the middle of the project.
Virendra Shaktawat
Database Developer
R&D .Net Department
T /
+91 (0) 9099907116
virendra.shaktawat@ /
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