Dear friends,
The reason I posted this:
For the last 6 months I have noticed the enormous numbers of github's raising on the Internet.
For the last 10 years I have worked with Oracle(yes expensive)and Postgresql(from version 8.4!) and I am familiar conserning the _big_
difference between the to database environments. Good and not so good. Administration well Oracle is easier because of
the instance/backup/restore(point in time) crontrolled by itselr. Postgresql does not have that kind of stuff - I mean backup/restore(pointin time
controlled by _itself_. But it is free and free of charge. But is not 24/7 when upgrading.
To make administration easier for your customers I suggest to establish a github with different possibilites, showing how to upgrade minor/major
in 24/7 enviroments especially the restore(point in time) as a "build in" method liek Oracle'srman. I have been told by a consultant that
pgBackRest is recommended. But it is not buildin in the way Oracle's rman. Sorry if i got out of the scope of my mail. And sorry for my demands.:)
BTW: why are PG databases visible by all users (prompt: \l)
2017-11-09 19:00 GMT+01:00 Steve Atkins <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Nov 9, 2017, at 9:37 AM, Poul Kristensen <bcc5226@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> No it isn't.
> What I want to do is:
> ansible-playbook somepostgresql.yml
> and postgresql is then changed on some server
> the way things are done by e.g.
You're looking for help with an Ansible recipe, not with anything to do with PostgreSQL itself.
Mentioning it here, in case someone already has one, is worth a try but you're likely going to need to go talk to the Ansible people. Or write your own.
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Poul Kristensen
Linux-OS/Virtualizationexpert and Oracle DBA
Poul Kristensen
Linux-OS/Virtualizationexpert and Oracle DBA