On 11/06/2017 01:17 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
"David G. Johnston" <david.g.johnston@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
You should probably login as your application user and do "show
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout" to see what a clean session has for a
value and then figure out from there where that value is coming from.
You don't have to guess about the latter: the pg_settings view will tell
you exactly where the active value came from. See the source, sourcefile,
sourceline columns.
regards, tom lane
select name, setting, source, sourcefile, sourceline, extra_desc,
context from pg_settings where name ~ 'idle';
name | setting | source | sourcefile |
sourceline | extra_desc | context
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 0 | default |
| | A value of 0 turns off the timeout. | user
tcp_keepalives_idle | 7200 | default |
| | A value of 0 uses the system default. | user
(2 rows)
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