thanks. didn't realise they were different. I discovered the difference when using a MD5 comparison between the 2 databases in a C++ utility.
All values were matching apart from dates.
On Sun, 27 Aug 2017 at 21:35 Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Peter Koukoulis <pkoukoulis@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I am unsure as to why the hrs, mins and seconds do not appear for a date
> column.
Uh, because it's a date.
> When performing the exact same queries in Oracle, I get the full date
> formatted to "yyyymmddhh24miss", but cannot get the same for PostgreSQL,
> for example:
Oracle has a nonstandard notion of what "date" means, I believe. You
probably want to use type "timestamp", and the to_timestamp() function,
in PG if you want behavior similar to what Oracle is doing.
regards, tom lane