On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 11:00:57PM -0000, John White wrote: > It seems I'm not the first to ask this question but there seem to be > very few answers. I am implementing an audit log facility where INSERT's > or UPDATE's to a number tables get logged to a single table. Each row in > the logging table stores data on one field change in the tables being > logged. This is hard to do with plpgsql, I don't understand why people keeps trying. It's much easier with PL/Tcl. An example, if you had these tables CREATE TABLE usuarios (usuario_id int, nombre text); CREATE TABLE usuarios_audit (usuario_id int, nombre text, op text, fecha timestamp with time zone); You could do something like CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION audita_usuarios() RETURNS trigger AS ' spi_exec "INSERT INTO usuarios_audit VALUES ($NEW(usuario_id), ''[ quote $NEW(nombre) ]'', ''[ quote $TG_op ]'', now())" return [array get NEW] ' LANGUAGE pltcl; CREATE TRIGGER audita_usuarios BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT OR DELETE ON usuarios FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audita_usuarios(); Note that you can give parameters to the function, as illustrated by this other example (doing case folding, but should be trivial to understand how to modify it): CREATE TABLE a_table ( column_1 text, column_2 text ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION minusculas() RETURNS trigger AS ' foreach key $args { if {[info exists NEW($key)]} { set NEW($key) [string tolower $NEW($key)] } } return [array get NEW] ' LANGUAGE pltcl; CREATE TRIGGER minusculizar BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON a_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE minusculas('column_1', 'column_2'); You should be able to do whatever you want to do by extending this examples, much more easily than by using plpgsql. No wonder your eyes were bleeding. I think the second example is almost verbatim from Elein Mustain's excellent General Bits column. -- Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[@]dcc.uchile.cl>) "Pensar que el espectro que vemos es ilusorio no lo despoja de espanto, sólo le suma el nuevo terror de la locura" (Perelandra, CSLewis) ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly