I have a database with a number of families of tables partitioned by day as described in section 5.10 of the User's Manual. I have an empty parent tables each with a number of child tables containing data partitioned by date. Each child has a CHECK condition on the date of the data. This works fine when I execute a SELECT statement against the parent table and specify a value for the date.
However, I am currently working on a system that requires me to create a family of TEMP tables with the same setup. So, I have an empty TEMP parent with each day’s data in a TEMP child.
The thing is that if I try try to run SELECT against the parent table with the date specified in the WHERE clause, I get terrible performance despite the fact that an EXPLAIN of the query looks fine. (The query can run for an hour and I finally give up and kill it.) However, if I specify the child table directly in the FROM clause, the query runs fine. (It only takes a few minutes.)
Does partitioning of TEMP tables not work like non-TEMP tables? In the same query, I access the parent table of a non-TEMP family and that doesn’t cause problems.
Any idea what’s going on here?
Ed Behn /
Staff Engineer / Airline and Network
Management Services
2551 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
Phone: (410)266-4426 / Cell: (240)696-7443