David G. Johnston wrote:
>> It works for me on Linux with 9.6.3 psql:
> Except you haven't recreated the scenario I presented.
> You only are involving a single script and that script defines "testfunction" itself
> (which makes exporting pointless). In my example the script being executed within the
> psql script does not define testfunction itself.
> -> == execute in subshell
> main-script (def func) -> psql -> psql-call-bash (invoke func)
I am confused; my shell script does *not* contain a function definition.
Am I missing something?
Nope, it was a combination of ERRNOCAFFINE and not seeing a second script.
I'm using Ubuntu 16.04
I tried your way of not using a "main-script" and got the same result.
I can see the exported environment variable TEST_ENVVAR in the "env" output of the psql \! subshell. "declare -Fx" shows no results.
I replaced "/usr/bin/env bash" with "/bin/bash" to no effect.
David J.