On 06/20/2017 08:12 AM, Steve Clark wrote:
On 06/20/2017 10:38 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 06/20/2017 07:00 AM, Steve Clark wrote:
We already have a monitoring system in place that has been in operation circa 2003. Just recently we have
added a new class of customer whose operation is not 24/7.
I envision the schedule could be fairly complicated
including WE and holidays, plus the enduser might shut down for lunch etc. I am looking for more on how to organize the
schedule, EG a standard weekly schedule then exceptions for holidays etc, or a separate individual schedule for
each week, also need to consider how easy it is to maintain the schedule, etc.
Yes this could be become complicated if for no other reason then it is
being driven from the customer end and there will need to be a process
to verify and incorporate their changes. I am going to wave my hand on
that part and proceed to the actual scheduling part. I have delved into
some of this for an yet unfinished timeclock/payroll project I peck away
at on occasion. Some thoughts from that project:
1) Settle on what a week is. ISO Monday(1) to Sunday(7) or non-ISO
Sunday(0) to Saturday(6)
2) Figure out what a day is. In other words are different timezones
involved and if so what do you 'anchor' a day to?
3) Figure out how to deal with schedules that cross Midnight. This might
come into play with holidays.
3) Create a parent table of default schedules. You could int4range as
day ranges. Assuming ISO week:
Weekend '[6, 7]'::int4range
Weekday '[1, 5]'::int4range
So in your monitoring determine day of week(dow) and look up schedule
for which dow falls in range.
4) Create child table to above that blocks out hours in schedule to
allow for lunch period, different start, stop hours.
5) Create holiday schedule that has date. When you determine dow in step
3) you will be using the date so you could look up to see it is a
holiday. This might tie into schedule table as I am not sure if there
are holiday schedules.
Adrian Klaver
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