Hi guys,
I've got a column which stores the file name on it, the column is character varying(255). I'm selecting that value in a CTE query; basically:
test1 AS (SELECTregexp_matches(name, '((main|medium).name/\d+.\d+)') as filename,*from test1;)selectfilename[1]from test1
Example here: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/5f4f0/4
As you can see on the example:
- if the file is a image (jpg), then it will have 2 variations (main|medium).
- If the file is a pdf, then it will only have 1 variation (main).
I basically need a regexp_matches _expression_ that only gets me the file name, after the main.name/ for example.
On the example I gave there are 2 problems:
- I can only get the jpg file name
- I don't get only the file name but the rest as well, which is not what I need
How to do that?