2017-05-15 15:20 GMT+12:00 Patrick B <patrickbakerbr@xxxxxxxxx>:
FYI - NEW LINK http://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=postgres_9.6&fiddle=ea61e7e1859bdb7f297f853a9dc0e3d0 with more variations.
I get 5 rows. But actually I only want/need 3 of them:AS you can see above, when performing this query:SELECT * FROM test1 WHERE client_id = 10 AND path ~ '^/testfile/client/[0-9]+/attachment/(([0-9]{1,14})|( unassigned))/'
- with the 'master' variation
- and if it is unassigned (attachment/unassigned); then i want it too
The rows that I should be getting are:
5 /testfile/client/10/
attachment/1000/master/ 10 7 /testfile/client/10/
attachment/unassigned/file/ 1001/master 10 8 /testfile/client/10/
attachment/unassigned/file/ 1002/master 10
What am I doing wrong?