On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 11:41 AM, VENKTESH GUTTEDAR <venkteshguttedar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Somebody please explain why it takes so much memory and is it safe to delete those files.?Hello All,Base directory is consuming to much memory, leading to no space on server and stopping the application
The base directory is where your actual data (tables, indexes) are stored. It is NOT safe to delete from that directory manually. It would be better to login to the database and see if you can either drop tables or indexes. If you do a 'DROP TABLE <tablename>;' in the database, it will delete from the base directory. DO NOT DELETE FROM THE BASE DIRECTORY manually unless you know what you are doing.
It is possible that you have bloat causing you space issues, but, that's a harder thing to solve (https://www.openscg.com/2016/11/postgresql-bloat-estimates/)
--Regards :Venktesh Guttedar.