2017-04-18 22:46 GMT-03:00 Jeff Janes <jeff.janes@xxxxxxxxx>:
On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 5:20 AM, Luciano Mittmann <mittmann@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi Jeff,
**Does each file in pg_xlog/archive_status/ have a corresponding file one directory up?no corresponding file on pg_xlog directory. That is the question.. for
some reason or some parameter that I do not know, the files are considered consumed but are not erased later.I can see how a well-timed crash could leave behind a few .done files, but not 75 thousand of them.Are they still accumulating, or was it only an historical accumulation?Also, is this on Windows?Cheers,Jeff
Hey Jeff,
they are still accumulating, 78k today.
Running on SLES 12.1