2017-04-06 18:10 GMT+12:00 Patrick B <patrickbakerbr@xxxxxxxxx>:
2017-04-06 17:35 GMT+12:00 Arjen Nienhuis <a.g.nienhuis@xxxxxxxxx>:On Apr 6, 2017 05:57, "Patrick B" <patrickbakerbr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi guys,i've got this column:path_name character varying(255)I store full S3 bucket path for the attachments of my application on it; example:/{s3bucket}/filesuser/client/27801123/attachment/4510/main /{s3bucket}/filesuser/client/27801123/attachment/4510/file I wanna do a select, where path_name has only 'main' and not anything else.WHERE path_nane LIKE '%/main'I was able to do it like this:WHERE (path_name)::text ~ '^\/filesuser\/client/\d+/(attachment)/\d+/(main)+' ThanksPatrick.
Guys.. sorry but actually it's not exactly what I'm looking for:
The paths /{s3bucket}/filesuser/client/27801123/attachment/4510/main /{s3bucket}/filesuser/client/27801123/attachment/4510/file are the root path for:
So for that single file (photo.jpg) i can have:
/{s3bucket}/filesuser/client/27801123/attachment/4510/file/ 1113/small/photo.jpg /{s3bucket}/filesuser/client/27801124/attachment/4511/main/ 111/small/photo.jpg /{s3bucket}/filesuser/client/27801125/attachment/4512/file
select REGEXP_REPLACE(path_name, '.*/', '') as col2 from seg_table limit 10;
It works, but I get :
When actually I just want the 'main''
How can I include this regexp in a where clause? Something like:
WHERE REGEXP_REPLACE(path_name, '.*/', '')::text = 'main'