Sorry for the delay
This is the one I used
And the cfg_global_audit
Column | Type | Modifiers ------------------+--------------------------+------------------------ audit_id | bigint | not null table_name | text | not null show_id | bigint | user_name | character varying(100) | action_timestamp | timestamp with time zone | not null default now() action | text | not null query | text | pflag | boolean | pjob | bigint | old_values | hstore | new_values | hstore |
I have OLD and NEW that is true
I went this way
select hstore(new.*)->(select * from (select skeys(hstore(new.*)) ) as cfg_skeys where skeys like ('%_add_by%')) into skeys_add_by; insert into cfg_global_audit values (audit_tx_id, tg_table_name::text, new.show_id, skeys_add_by, current_timestamp, 'U', current_query(),'N', 0,hstore(old.*), hstore(new.*));
See the problem is that I might have group_add_by as a key, but I can also have instead of group_add_by, item_add_by
if I would have a function that I could search in an store buy a key name pattern matching , aka get me the value for a key like ‘%add_by%’ it would be great
In this case I could go around like it
I will post another question related to hstore search since although it has a common ground it is different regarding the goal
Thanks Armand
On 03/23/2017 02:00 PM, Armand Pirvu (home) wrote: Try number two. Hello
I am using in a project the audit trigger from the wiki
Witch one? (It seems the other spelling is banned) One particular aspect is that not all tables that I am after have the same columns . And it is one in particular I am stumbling onto , and it ends i n _add_by. It can be group_add_by, car_add_by and so on.
The old value of this column I need to record in the case of an update for example. The bad thing is also that it's position is not always the same. Meaning it can be 4th , 2nd and so on
Just trying to avoid to have a function for each table and a bunch of hard coding which would be less than ideal
So in the below what is the table schema for cfg_global_audit?
drop function func_global_audit(); create or replace function func_global_audit() returns trigger as $$ declare audit_tx_id bigint; begin select nextval('seq_aud_hist_prev'::regclass) into audit_tx_id; if tg_op = 'UPDATE' then insert into cfg_global_audit values (audit_tx_id, tg_table_name::text, current_user::text, current_timestamp, 'U', current_query(),'N', hstore(old.*), hstore(new.*), akeys(hstore(new.*) - hstore(old.*))); return new; end if; end; $$ language plpgsql security definer;
drop trigger trig_cfg_group on cfg_group; create trigger trig_cfg_group after insert or update or delete on cfg_group for each row execute procedure func_global_audit();
levregdb=# select old_values from cfg_global_audit; old_values
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- "show_id"=>"1", "group_id"=>"33", "group_name"=>"Region 1", "group_note"=>"test1", "group_type"=>"Files", "group_add_by"=>"557651", "group_add_date"=>"2016-09-28 09:52:47.672398-05", "additional_info "=>NULL, "group_description"=>"" (1 row)
So the idea is that I need 557651 which is the group_add_by old value recorded in user_name of the audit table
Don't you have the OLD values in wherever you put hstore(OLD.*)? You have 557651, so I am not sure what you mean by you need it? 1- is there any way I can look in the OLD record for such column something like OLD.%add_by% ? 2 - I was thinking also getting the column name which is easy and prepend with old. string and then do a select old.group_add_by into myvar. Apparently it does not work
I mean yes I can do select 'old.'||column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'cfg_group' and column_name like '%_add_by%' ;
But create or replace function func_global_audit() returns trigger as $$ declare audit_tx_id bigint; cfg_schema text; cfg_by_col text; cfg_by_col1 text; begin select current_schema into cfg_schema; select nextval('seq_aud_hist_prev'::regclass) into audit_tx_id; if tg_op = 'UPDATE' then execute 'select COLUMN_NAME::text FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema='||quote_literal(cfg_schema)||' and table_name='||quote_literal(tg_table_name)||' and column_name like '||quote_literal('%_add_by%') into cfg_by_col; cfg_by_col1 := 'old.'||cfg_by_col; raise notice '%', cfg_by_col1; insert into cfg_global_audit values (audit_tx_id, tg_table_name::text, cfg_by_col1::text, current_timestamp, 'U', current_query(),'N', hstore(old.*), hstore(new.*), akeys(hstore(new.*) - hstore(old.*))); return new; end if; end; $$ language plpgsql security definer;
drop trigger trig_cfg_group on cfg_group; create trigger trig_cfg_group after insert or update or delete on cfg_group for each row execute procedure func_global_audit();
And I get old.group_add_by instead of 557651
3 - I tried
drop function func_global_audit(); create or replace function func_global_audit() returns trigger as $$ declare audit_tx_id bigint; cfg_schema text; cfg_by_col text; cfg_by_col1 text; begin select current_schema into cfg_schema; select nextval('seq_aud_hist_prev'::regclass) into audit_tx_id; if tg_op = 'UPDATE' then execute 'select COLUMN_NAME::text FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema='||quote_literal(cfg_schema)||' and table_name='||quote_literal(tg_table_name)||' and column_name like '||quote_literal('%_add_by%') into cfg_by_col; cfg_by_col1 := 'old.'||cfg_by_col; raise notice '%', cfg_by_col1; execute 'insert into cfg_global_audit1 select $1' using cfg_by_col1; return new; end if; end; $$ language plpgsql security definer;
And the same thing
Can someone point me what am I doing wrong ?
-- Adrian Klaver adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx