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Re: COPY ... FROM stdin WITH FORMAT csv

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On 03/21/2017 12:11 PM, Alexander Farber wrote:
Thank you - this has worked:

COPY words_reviews (uid, author, nice, review, updated) FROM stdin WITH
(FORMAT csv);
1,2,1,'1 is nice by 2','2017-03-01'
1,3,1,'1 is nice by 3','2017-03-02'
1,4,1,'1 is nice by 4','2017-03-03'
2,1,1,'2 is nice by 1','2017-03-01'
2,3,1,'2 is nice by 3','2017-03-02'
2,4,0,'2 is not nice by 4','2017-03-03'

but I am confused about the comments that I should use \copy and not
just COPY and also that I could leave out WITH and brackets.
The difference between COPY and \copy is explained here:

\copy ....

Basically COPY runs as the server user and so the files it uses have to be accessible by the user the server runs as. \copy is a psql meta command that runs as local user so it can access files the local user can see and has privileges on.

Because please take a look at the 9.6.2 psql output (COPY works, and
leaving out WITH brackets - not):

words=> COPY words_reviews (uid, author, nice, review, updated) FROM
stdin WITH (FORMAT csv);
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
1,2,1,'1 is nice by 2','2017-03-01'
1,3,1,'1 is nice by 3','2017-03-02'
1,4,1,'1 is nice by 4','2017-03-03'
2,1,1,'2 is nice by 1','2017-03-01'
2,3,1,'2 is nice by 3','2017-03-02'
2,4,0,'2 is not nice by 4','2017-03-03'
>> >> >> >> >> COPY 6
words=> COPY words_reviews (uid, author, nice, review, updated) FROM
stdin FORMAT csv;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "FORMAT"
LINE 1: ...s (uid, author, nice, review, updated) FROM stdin FORMAT csv...

Adrian Klaver

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