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Re: options for logical replication plugins?

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On 15/03/2017 19:18, Andres Freund wrote:

On 2017-03-15 18:29:06 +0000, Chris Withers wrote:
Shame the decoding has to be done on the server-side rather than the client
Requiring compiled extensions to be installed on the server is always 
going to be a pain, especially in a multi-tenant environment or 
something with Amazon or Google's cloud offerings.
You can't filter on the client side. You don't have any catalog
information available, so you'd have to transport a lot of metadata and
/ or decode to a verbose default format.
Just to check my understanding: a logical replication stream is 
per-database, right?
I'd imagine that for many uses of this functionality, having the "whole 
stream" in an efficient, compressed format that could be decoded on the 
client side, with any filtering or reshaping done there.


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