I was shopping around for a dedicated server and I noticed a plan which uses 2X Cavium ThunderX processors which gives me a total of 96 cores.
I use PostgreSQL + PgBouncer which accepts many connections at a time. I have my current one to accept maximum connections of 1000, but it never goes above 200 active connections but the traffic to the system is always increasing and I want to have the hardware to handle it.
It's the first time I see the Cavium ThunderX name. How do these compare to a machine that has 2 × E5-2640 v3? I noticed the Cavium ThunderX is a lot cheaper, but it's not a known name.
What would I get better results with 2X Cavium ThunderX processors with 96 cores or 2 × E5-2640 v3 with 16 cores?