Hi,Could you give more details? What does pg_rewind tell you at each
phase? Is that on Postgres 9.5 or 9.6? I use pg_rewind quite
extensively on 9.5 but I have no problems of this time with multiple
timeline jumps when juggling between two nodes. Another thing that is
coming to my mind: you are using pg_rewing with a source node that is
running. You should issue a checkpoint manually after promoting the
node to be sure that its control file gets the new timeline number.
sometimes pg_rewind says that nothing needs to be done, sometimes it says it's rewinding and done at the end.I'm using 9.6. I moved there from 9.5 as I'm also using replication slots and in 9.6 there is a second parameter added. But I seem to remember that it did the same in 9.5 too but I'm not really sure.I checked that the server, at promotion said the message about the new timeline.I will make some more tests.RegardsPupillo
I redid the tests following your suggestion to issue a checkpoint manually. IT WORKS!
Just a question: when the standby server starts, I see the log error messages (ex.: "invalid record length...") when WAL end is reached. I know that it's normal.
But I'm wondering if the system, in order to detect the end of the WAL, controls only the validity of the records in the WAL.
I mean, could random bytes appear as a valid record (very unlikely, but possible)?