On 12/28/2016 03:24 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Fri, 23 Dec 2016, Thomas Kellerer wrote:
Scott Mead just blogged about using SchemaSpy with Postgres
I've spent the past two days without success trying to get schemaSpy
running here
An example from my machine that works:
aklaver@tito:~/bin> java -jar schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -t pgsql -s public -u
postgres -db production -host localhost -dp
/home/aklaver/bin/postgresql-9.4.1212.jre6.jar -o s_spy
Using database properties:
Gathering schema
Writing/graphing summary..............(3sec)
Wrote relationship details of 69 tables/views to directory 's_spy' in 20
View the results by opening s_spy/index.html
and have found a solution that works quickly and easily: dbeaver
<http://www.dbeaver.com/>. Yes, it's a GUI rather than CLI application but
it works ... and it's F/OSS under the GPL. Best of all worlds.
Looks interesting.
I downloaded the postgresql-jdbc driver and installed it in a couple of
places trying to make schemaSpy happy, and futzed with pg_hba.conf access
control. The dbeaver application downloaded and internally installed the
postgresql-jdbc driver it wants to use.
It took no time to figure out how to create, test, and establish a
connection to the databases and examine their E-R diagrams. They're now
saved as .png files.
Thanks very much for your pointer and my wishes for a healthy, happy, and
prosperous 2017 to you and all who responded to my question,
Adrian Klaver
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