On 12/14/2016 05:19 AM, Shakti Singh wrote:
I am working on a POC to port Oracle database to PostGreSQL.
I am trying to debug a function in pgAdmin 4 after enabling debugger.
The Debugger window that opens in pgAdmin 4 for a function does not show
any function code because of which I cannot put a break point.
Does all of the below apply to your situation?:
"The debugger may be used to debug PL/pgSQL functions in PostgreSQL, as
well as EDB-SPL functions, stored procedures and packages in Advanced
Server. The Debugger is available as an extension for your PostgreSQL
installation, and is distributed as part of Advanced Server. You must
have superuser privileges to use the debugger.
Before using the debugger, you must modify the postgresql.conf file,
adding the server-side debugger components to the the value of the
shared_preload_libraries parameter:
shared_preload_libraries = ‘$libdir/other_libraries/plugin_debugger’
After modifying the shared_preload_libraries parameter, restart the
server to apply the changes."
Any help is appreciated.
Shakti Singh
Adrian Klaver
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