2016-12-12 12:00 GMT+13:00 Venkata B Nagothi <nag1010@xxxxxxxxx>:
On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 7:48 AM, Patrick B <patrickbakerbr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi guys,Are the history files copied with the wal_files? Or I have to do it separated?00000003.history': No such file or directory
I'm using PostgreSQL 9.2.Can you please explain the scenario you are referring to ? during streaming replication ? or during standby promotion ?
I've got:
> Master01 (sending wal_files to the slaves)
> slave01 (streaming replication from master01 + wal_files)
> slave02 (streaming replication from master01 + wal_files)
I'll turn slave01 into a master; on recovery.conf:
trigger_file = '/tmp/pg_failover_trigger';touch /tmp/pg_failover_trigger
Then, the new scenario will be:
> slave01 (NEW MASTER)
> slave02 (streaming replication from slave01 + wal_files)
Will slave02 be able to switch the timeline using wal_files provided by the new master?