Hi, ALL, I have a text file which I got from exporting the SQLite database. The file contains an SQL statement which will generate the database. Excerpt from this file: [code] CREATE TABLE leagues( id INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100),balance DOUBLE(10,2)); CREATE TABLE players(playerid INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, player_name VARCHAR(60), player_position CHAR(1)); CREATE TABLE player_draft(id INTEGER, playerid INTEGER, drafted_position CHAR(1), FOREIGN KEY id REFERENCE leagues(id), FOREIGN KEY playerid REFERENCE players(playerid)); INSERT INTO leagues VALUES(1, 'Test1', 260.00); INSERT INTO leagues VALUES(2, 'Test2', 260.00); INSERT INTO players VALUES(1, 'Player1', 'D'); INSERT INTO players VALUES(2, ''Player2', 'F'); [/code] My question would be: Is there a command in Postgres which will open this file and execute all those commands one-by-one in a transaction? Or I will have to do a manual table creation, then split this file and use "LOAD..." command to load the data into the tables? Hopefully I made myself clear. Let me know if not and I will try to clarify further. Thank you. -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general