Using 9.5, this query:SELECT,
a.number AS awb
FROM pt.orders o
SELECT DISTINCT ON ((string_agg(air_way_bills.number::text, ','::text)))
string_agg(air_way_bills.number::text, ','::text) AS number,
FROM pt.air_way_bills
GROUP BY air_way_bills.order_id) a ON a.order_id = o.idgives me null for awb. Removing the DISTINCT ON clause:
On its face the statement "DISTINCT ON removes results" is not at all surprising given its definition.
Given a self-contained query exhibiting the desired behavior I might be willing to figure out and explain exactly why its happening in that particular circumstance.
Oh, and on its face your DISTINCT ON query doesn't make any sense to me. Using DISTINCT ON on one column but then joining on the discard-able ID column is...unusual.
And it also lacks an ORDER BY for deterministic discarding of duplicate rows.
David J.