Hello, Until I upgraded to PostgreSQL 9.6, a custom average function was working well as a window function. It's meant to average a composite type: CREATE TYPE public.angle_vectors AS (x double precision, y double precision); COMMENT ON TYPE public.angle_vectors IS 'This type holds the x (sine) and y (cosine) components of angle(s).'; The average function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.angle_vectors_avg(angle_vectors_arr angle_vectors[]) RETURNS vector AS $BODY$ DECLARE x_avg double precision; y_avg double precision; magnitude double precision; angle_avg double precision; BEGIN SELECT avg(x) INTO x_avg FROM unnest(angle_vectors_arr) irows; SELECT avg(y) INTO y_avg FROM unnest(angle_vectors_arr) irows; magnitude := sqrt((x_avg ^ 2.0) + (y_avg ^ 2.0)); angle_avg := degrees(atan2(x_avg, y_avg)); IF (angle_avg < 0 ) THEN angle_avg := angle_avg + 360.0; END IF; RETURN (angle_avg, magnitude); END $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE COST 100; COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.angle_vectors_avg(angle_vectors[]) IS 'This function computes the average angle from an array of concatenated angle_vectors data type singletons. It returns vector data type.'; And the aggregate: CREATE AGGREGATE public.avg(angle_vectors) ( SFUNC=array_append, STYPE=angle_vectors[], FINALFUNC=angle_vectors_avg ); Query below used to work in PostgreSQL 9.5: SELECT "time", avg((random(), random())::angle_vectors) over w from generate_series('2016-10-08'::timestamp, '2016-10-10'::timestamp, '5 hours') as t("time") window w as (partition by date_trunc('day', "time") order by "time"); but is now failing with the following message in 9.6: ERROR: input data type is not an array ********** Error ********** ERROR: input data type is not an array SQL state: 42804 Any thoughts on what has changed that is leading to this failure? -- Seb -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general