On 3 October 2016 at 15:54, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Benedikt Grundmann <bgrundmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> And it looks like now I'm back to the error that stopped me last time:
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 8425; 2606 416548282 CHECK
> CONSTRAINT seqno_not_null postgres_prod
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: constraint
> "seqno_not_null" for relation "js_activity_20110101" already exists
> Command was: ALTER TABLE "js_activity_20110101"
> ADD CONSTRAINT "seqno_not_null" CHECK (("seqno" IS NOT NULL)) NOT VALID;
Hm. I'm guessing that table is a child table, and this has something to
do with improper constraint inheritance. Could we see psql \d+ output
for both this table and its parent? And for good measure, maybe the
output of
SELECT conname,convalidated,conislocal,coninhcount, connoinherit
FROM pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = 'js_activity_20110101'::regclass;
and likewise for the parent table.
regards, tom lane
Sure this is not going to be very pretty but here you are:
proddb_testing=# \d+ js_activity
Table "public.js_activity"
Column | Type | Modifiers
| Storage | Stats target | Description
id | text | not null default nextval('pnl_fr_imported_trades_id_seq'::re
gclass) | extended | |
tid | text | not null default currval('pnl_fr_imported_trades_id_seq'::re
gclass) | extended | |
entry_time | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
| plain | |
pnl_date | date | not null
| plain | |
activity_date | date | not null
| plain | |
activity_time | time without time zone |
| plain | |
projected_settlement_date | date | not null
| plain | |
clearing_firm | text | not null
| extended | |
currency | text | not null
| extended | |
account | text | not null
| extended | |
security_code | text | not null
| extended | |
trade_type | text | not null
| extended | |
quantity | numeric(28,8) | not null
| main | |
gross_price | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
net_price | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
net_cash | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
accrual | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
commission_amount | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
commission_rate | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
narrative | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
counterparty | text | not null
| extended | |
executing_exchange | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
route | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
source | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
tags | hstore | not null default ''::hstore
| extended | |
booking_type | character(1) | not null default 'B'::bpchar
| extended | |
is_canceled | text |
| extended | |
executing_broker | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
version_tags | hstore | not null default ''::hstore
| extended | |
discretionary_agent | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
shape_id | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
capture_date | date |
| plain | |
order_id | text |
| extended | |
order_mark | text |
| extended | |
seqno | bigint | default strict_sequence()
| plain | |
system | text |
| extended | |
tplus | integer |
| plain | |
trade_date | date |
| plain | |
trader | text |
| extended | |
username | text |
| extended | |
cancel_username | text |
| extended | |
cancel_entry_time | timestamp without time zone |
| plain | |
cancel_narrative | text |
| extended | |
cancel_seqno | bigint |
| plain | |
settlement_system | text |
| extended | |
Check constraints:
"at_most_one_clears_on_bk" CHECK (at_most_one_key_like(tags, 'bk:Clears_on_%'::text)) NOT VALID
"at_most_one_riskless_principal_for_bk" CHECK (at_most_one_key_like(tags, 'bk:Riskless_principal_for_%'::text)) NOT
"cancel_consistency" CHECK ((cancel_username IS NULL) = (cancel_entry_time IS NULL) AND (cancel_entry_time IS NULL)
= (cancel_narrative IS NULL) AND (cancel_narrative IS NULL) = (cancel_seqno IS NULL))
"capture_date_matches_date_in_tid" CHECK (NOT tid ~~ '(2%)'::text OR "substring"(tid, 2, 10)::date = capture_date)
"contracts_is_an_integer" CHECK ((tags -> 'contracts'::text) ~ '^[0-9]+$'::text)
"flow_tag" CHECK ((tags -> 'flow'::text) ~ '^[0-9]+$'::text) NOT VALID
"js_activity_booking_type_check" CHECK (booking_type = 'B'::bpchar OR booking_type = 'A'::bpchar)
"js_activity_check" CHECK (is_canceled = id)
"js_activity_discretionary_agent_matches_tag" CHECK (discretionary_agent = (tags -> 'agent'::text))
"js_activity_no_suspense_accounts_check" CHECK (account !~ '^SUSPENSE-.+$'::text)
"js_activity_pnl_date_on_weekday" CHECK (date_part('dow'::text, pnl_date) >= 1::double precision AND date_part('dow
'::text, pnl_date) <= 5::double precision)
"js_activity_security_code_non_blank" CHECK (security_code <> ''::text)
"nothing_to_see_here" CHECK (pnl_date = '1000-01-01'::date) NO INHERIT
"otc_settlement_system_consistency" CHECK (NOT executing_exchange ~~ 'OTC_%'::text OR settlement_system = "substrin
g"(executing_exchange, 5)) NOT VALID
"price_extra_info_tags_come_together" CHECK ((NOT tags ? 'not_final_price'::text OR (tags -> 'not_final_price'::tex
t) = ''::text) AND (tags ? 'price_extra_data'::text) = (tags ? 'price_kind'::text) AND (NOT tags ? 'not_final_price'::t
ext OR tags ? 'price_kind'::text)) NOT VALID
"security_code_not_blank_on_either_end" CHECK (security_code !~~ '% '::text AND security_code !~~ ' %'::text) NOT V
"seqno_not_null" CHECK (seqno IS NOT NULL) NOT VALID
"trades_have_times" CHECK (trade_type <> 'Trade'::text OR activity_time IS NOT NULL) NOT VALID
"valid_counterparty" CHECK (counterparty !~~ '% '::text AND counterparty !~~ ' %'::text) NOT VALID
"valid_executing_broker" CHECK (executing_broker !~~ '% '::text AND executing_broker !~~ ' %'::text) NOT VALID
"valid_order_mark" CHECK (order_mark = ANY (ARRAY['T'::text, 'X'::text, 'S'::text])) NOT VALID
"valid_settlement_system" CHECK (settlement_system ~ '^[A-Z]+$'::text) NOT VALID
"valid_terms_tag" CHECK ((tags -> 'terms'::text) ~ '^[A-Z0-9]{4}$'::text) NOT VALID
Foreign-key constraints:
"js_activity_clearing_firm_fkey1" FOREIGN KEY (clearing_firm) REFERENCES lu_clearing_firms(mnemonic)
"js_activity_currency_fkey1" FOREIGN KEY (currency) REFERENCES lu_currencies(currency_code)
"js_activity_no_rows" FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES js_activity_no_rows_constraint(id)
"js_activity_trade_type_fkey1" FOREIGN KEY (trade_type) REFERENCES lu_trade_types(mnemonic)
insert_js_activity BEFORE INSERT ON js_activity FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE js_activity_insert_trigger()
mv_js_equity AFTER UPDATE ON js_activity FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE mv_js_equity_js_activity_was_changed(
Child tables: js_activity_20090101,
Has OIDs: no
proddb_testing=# \d+ js_activity_20110101
Table "public.js_activity_20110101"
Column | Type | Modifiers
| Storage | Stats target | Description
id | text | not null default nextval('pnl_fr_imported_trades_id_seq'::re
gclass) | extended | |
tid | text | not null default currval('pnl_fr_imported_trades_id_seq'::re
gclass) | extended | |
entry_time | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
| plain | |
pnl_date | date | not null
| plain | |
activity_date | date | not null
| plain | |
activity_time | time without time zone |
| plain | |
projected_settlement_date | date | not null
| plain | |
clearing_firm | text | not null
| extended | |
currency | text | not null
| extended | |
account | text | not null
| extended | |
security_code | text | not null
| extended | |
trade_type | text | not null
| extended | |
quantity | numeric(28,8) | not null
| main | |
gross_price | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
net_price | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
net_cash | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
accrual | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
commission_amount | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
commission_rate | numeric(28,8) | not null default 0
| main | |
narrative | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
counterparty | text | not null
| extended | |
executing_exchange | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
route | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
source | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
tags | hstore | not null default ''::hstore
| extended | |
booking_type | character(1) | not null default 'B'::bpchar
| extended | |
is_canceled | text |
| extended | |
executing_broker | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
version_tags | hstore | not null default ''::hstore
| extended | |
discretionary_agent | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
shape_id | text | not null default ''::text
| extended | |
capture_date | date |
| plain | |
order_id | text |
| extended | |
order_mark | text |
| extended | |
seqno | bigint | default strict_sequence()
| plain | |
system | text |
| extended | |
tplus | integer |
| plain | |
trade_date | date |
| plain | |
trader | text |
| extended | |
username | text |
| extended | |
cancel_username | text |
| extended | |
cancel_entry_time | timestamp without time zone |
| plain | |
cancel_narrative | text |
| extended | |
cancel_seqno | bigint |
| plain | |
settlement_system | text |
| extended | |
"js_activity_2011_cancel_seqno" UNIQUE, btree (cancel_seqno) WHERE cancel_seqno IS NOT NULL
"js_activity_2011_id" UNIQUE, btree (id)
"js_activity_2011_seqno" UNIQUE, btree (seqno)
"js_activity_2011_activity_date" btree (activity_date)
"js_activity_2011_cancel_entry_time" btree (cancel_entry_time) WHERE cancel_entry_time IS NOT NULL
"js_activity_2011_discretionary_agent" btree (discretionary_agent)
"js_activity_2011_entry_time" btree (entry_time)
"js_activity_2011_pnl_date" btree (pnl_date)
"js_activity_2011_projected_settlement_date" btree (projected_settlement_date)
"js_activity_2011_shape_id" btree (shape_id)
"js_activity_2011_tid" btree (tid)
"js_activity_2011_ts" btree ((activity_date + activity_time)) WHERE activity_time IS NOT NULL
Check constraints:
"activity_date_lower_bound" CHECK (activity_date >= '0111-12-28'::date)
"activity_date_upper_bound" CHECK (activity_date <= '2012-02-10'::date)
"activity_time_lower_bound" CHECK ((activity_date + activity_time) >= '2010-01-05 10:44:48'::timestamp without time
"activity_time_upper_bound" CHECK ((activity_date + activity_time) <= '2011-12-30 23:59:59'::timestamp without time
"at_most_one_clears_on_bk" CHECK (at_most_one_key_like(tags, 'bk:Clears_on_%'::text)) NOT VALID
"at_most_one_riskless_principal_for_bk" CHECK (at_most_one_key_like(tags, 'bk:Riskless_principal_for_%'::text)) NOT
"cancel_consistency" CHECK ((cancel_username IS NULL) = (cancel_entry_time IS NULL) AND (cancel_entry_time IS NULL)
= (cancel_narrative IS NULL) AND (cancel_narrative IS NULL) = (cancel_seqno IS NULL))
"cancel_entry_time_lower_bound" CHECK (cancel_entry_time >= '2011-01-04 05:47:48.463365'::timestamp without time zo
"cancel_entry_time_upper_bound" CHECK (cancel_entry_time <= '2012-02-08 16:07:37.714466'::timestamp without time zo
"cancel_seqno_lower_bound" CHECK (cancel_seqno >= 80417910::bigint)
"cancel_seqno_upper_bound" CHECK (cancel_seqno <= 291703135::bigint)
"capture_date_matches_date_in_tid" CHECK (NOT tid ~~ '(2%)'::text OR "substring"(tid, 2, 10)::date = capture_date)
"capture_date_not_populated" CHECK (capture_date IS NULL)
"contracts_is_an_integer" CHECK ((tags -> 'contracts'::text) ~ '^[0-9]+$'::text)
"entry_time_lower_bound" CHECK (entry_time >= '2011-01-03 11:40:34.825558'::timestamp without time zone)
"entry_time_upper_bound" CHECK (entry_time <= '2012-02-08 16:07:37.714466'::timestamp without time zone)
"flow_tag" CHECK ((tags -> 'flow'::text) ~ '^[0-9]+$'::text) NOT VALID
"js_activity_2011_partition_constraint" CHECK (pnl_date >= '2011-01-01'::date AND pnl_date <= '2011-12-31'::date)
"js_activity_booking_type_check" CHECK (booking_type = 'B'::bpchar OR booking_type = 'A'::bpchar)
"js_activity_check" CHECK (is_canceled = id)
"js_activity_discretionary_agent_matches_tag" CHECK (discretionary_agent = (tags -> 'agent'::text))
"js_activity_no_suspense_accounts_check" CHECK (account !~ '^SUSPENSE-.+$'::text)
"js_activity_pnl_date_on_weekday" CHECK (date_part('dow'::text, pnl_date) >= 1::double precision AND date_part('dow
'::text, pnl_date) <= 5::double precision)
"js_activity_security_code_non_blank" CHECK (security_code <> ''::text)
"otc_settlement_system_consistency" CHECK (NOT executing_exchange ~~ 'OTC_%'::text OR settlement_system = "substrin
g"(executing_exchange, 5)) NOT VALID
"price_extra_info_tags_come_together" CHECK ((NOT tags ? 'not_final_price'::text OR (tags -> 'not_final_price'::tex
t) = ''::text) AND (tags ? 'price_extra_data'::text) = (tags ? 'price_kind'::text) AND (NOT tags ? 'not_final_price'::t
ext OR tags ? 'price_kind'::text)) NOT VALID
"security_code_not_blank_on_either_end" CHECK (security_code !~~ '% '::text AND security_code !~~ ' %'::text) NOT V
"seqno_lower_bound" CHECK (seqno >= 79792315::bigint)
"seqno_not_null" CHECK (seqno IS NOT NULL) NOT VALID
"seqno_upper_bound" CHECK (seqno <= 291695496::bigint)
"trades_have_times" CHECK (trade_type <> 'Trade'::text OR activity_time IS NOT NULL) NOT VALID
"valid_counterparty" CHECK (counterparty !~~ '% '::text AND counterparty !~~ ' %'::text) NOT VALID
"valid_executing_broker" CHECK (executing_broker !~~ '% '::text AND executing_broker !~~ ' %'::text) NOT VALID
"valid_order_mark" CHECK (order_mark = ANY (ARRAY['T'::text, 'X'::text, 'S'::text])) NOT VALID
"valid_settlement_system" CHECK (settlement_system ~ '^[A-Z]+$'::text) NOT VALID
"valid_terms_tag" CHECK ((tags -> 'terms'::text) ~ '^[A-Z0-9]{4}$'::text) NOT VALID
Foreign-key constraints:
"js_activity_2011_account_matches_cf" FOREIGN KEY (account, clearing_firm) REFERENCES lu_pnl_fr_accounts(account_co
de, clearing_firm)
js_activity_is_frozen AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON js_activity_20110101 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE js_ac
Inherits: js_activity
Has OIDs: no
proddb_testing=# SELECT conname,convalidated,conislocal,coninhcount,connoinherit
proddb_testing-# FROM pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = 'js_activity_20110101'::regclass;
conname | convalidated | conislocal | coninhcount | connoinherit
price_extra_info_tags_come_together | f | f | 1 | f
cancel_entry_time_upper_bound | t | t | 0 | f
cancel_seqno_upper_bound | t | t | 0 | f
activity_time_upper_bound | t | t | 0 | f
seqno_upper_bound | t | t | 0 | f
entry_time_upper_bound | t | t | 0 | f
activity_date_upper_bound | t | t | 0 | f
cancel_entry_time_lower_bound | t | t | 0 | f
cancel_seqno_lower_bound | t | t | 0 | f
activity_time_lower_bound | t | t | 0 | f
seqno_lower_bound | t | t | 0 | f
entry_time_lower_bound | t | t | 0 | f
activity_date_lower_bound | t | t | 0 | f
capture_date_not_populated | t | t | 0 | f
capture_date_matches_date_in_tid | f | f | 1 | f
flow_tag | f | f | 1 | f
at_most_one_riskless_principal_for_bk | f | f | 1 | f
at_most_one_clears_on_bk | f | f | 1 | f
valid_terms_tag | f | f | 1 | f
valid_settlement_system | f | f | 1 | f
otc_settlement_system_consistency | f | f | 1 | f
security_code_not_blank_on_either_end | f | t | 1 | f
trades_have_times | f | t | 1 | f
js_activity_pnl_date_on_weekday | t | t | 1 | f
js_activity_no_suspense_accounts_check | t | t | 1 | f
js_activity_discretionary_agent_matches_tag | t | t | 1 | f
js_activity_check | t | t | 1 | f
js_activity_booking_type_check | t | t | 1 | f
contracts_is_an_integer | t | t | 1 | f
valid_order_mark | f | t | 1 | f
valid_executing_broker | f | t | 1 | f
valid_counterparty | f | t | 1 | f
cancel_consistency | t | t | 1 | f
js_activity_security_code_non_blank | t | t | 1 | f
seqno_not_null | f | t | 1 | f
js_activity_2011_partition_constraint | t | t | 0 | f
js_activity_2011_account_matches_cf | t | t | 0 | t
(37 rows)
proddb_testing=# SELECT conname,convalidated,conislocal,coninhcount,connoinherit
FROM pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = 'js_activity'::regclass;
conname | convalidated | conislocal | coninhcount | connoinherit
price_extra_info_tags_come_together | f | t | 0 | f
capture_date_matches_date_in_tid | f | t | 0 | f
flow_tag | f | t | 0 | f
at_most_one_riskless_principal_for_bk | f | t | 0 | f
at_most_one_clears_on_bk | f | t | 0 | f
valid_terms_tag | f | t | 0 | f
valid_settlement_system | f | t | 0 | f
otc_settlement_system_consistency | f | t | 0 | f
trades_have_times | f | t | 0 | f
security_code_not_blank_on_either_end | f | t | 0 | f
cancel_consistency | t | t | 0 | f
valid_counterparty | f | t | 0 | f
valid_executing_broker | f | t | 0 | f
valid_order_mark | f | t | 0 | f
seqno_not_null | f | t | 0 | f
nothing_to_see_here | t | t | 0 | t
contracts_is_an_integer | t | t | 0 | f
js_activity_booking_type_check | t | t | 0 | f
js_activity_check | t | t | 0 | f
js_activity_discretionary_agent_matches_tag | t | t | 0 | f
js_activity_no_suspense_accounts_check | t | t | 0 | f
js_activity_pnl_date_on_weekday | t | t | 0 | f
js_activity_security_code_non_blank | t | t | 0 | f
js_activity_clearing_firm_fkey1 | t | t | 0 | t
js_activity_currency_fkey1 | t | t | 0 | t
js_activity_no_rows | t | t | 0 | t
js_activity_trade_type_fkey1 | t | t | 0 | t
(27 rows)