2016-09-26 20:22 GMT+02:00 Alexander Farber <alexander.farber@xxxxxxxxx>:
Good evening!For a 2-player game I am trying to create a custom SQL function, which stores a new message (if not empty) into words_chat table and then return all messages from that table for a given game:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION words_get_chat(in_uid integer,in_gid integer,in_msg varchar) RETURNS TABLE (out_my boolean,out_msg varchar) AS$func$IF LENGTH(TRIM(in_msg)) > 0 AND-- ensure only messages of player1 and player2 are storedEXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM words_gamesWHERE gid = in_gid AND(player1 = in_uid OR player2 = in_uid)) THENINSERT INTO words_chat (created,uid,gid,msg) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,in_uid,in_gid,in_msg);END IF;SELECTuid = in_uid,msgFROM words_chatWHERE gid = in_gidORDER BY created DESC;$func$ LANGUAGE sql;Unfortunately, PostgreSQL 9.5.4 does not like the syntax:ERROR: syntax error at or near "IF"LINE 11: IF LENGTH(TRIM(in_msg)) > 0 AND
^Please, how to rewrite my queries, so that the SQL function syntax is ok?
SQL language doesn't support procedural statements like IF. You have to use plpgsql.
Is it maybe possible by adding a WHERE part to the UPDATE statement?Greetings from BochumAlex