Thanks David,
Lateral did the trick:
CREATE VIEW with_keywords AS
SELECT x,y,z, keywords.a, keywords.b, keywords.c
FROM large_table l, LATERAL extract_keywords(l.*) keywords(a,b,c)
On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 6:46 AM, David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
select x,y,z, (extract_keywords(l.*)).*[...]Does this mean the function gets called three time?Yes.(function_call(...)).*syntax is problematic. You should avoid it via one of two options.LATERAL (new way, preferred)orCTE (old way)In the CTE version you make the call in the CTE but do "(col).*" in the main query. This way the function is only called once to generate a composite output, then the composite output is exploded.With LATERAL the system is smart enough to do it the right way.David J.