Same chips, same model Dell Poweredge actually. The process is pretty much the same between the local and offsite replicas, we have a home-brew script that runs an rsync from the master to the replica. On the local replica, it then takes the machine out of pacemaker standby, on the offsite replica it starts up postgres directly. One thought we had today. There is a chance some local crons and some monitoring scripts might be attempting to run queries on the DB during the migration. Is there any chance that could foul something up? its the one difference we could think of after a brainstorming session here. We are going to attempt another test this evening with all crons disabled and monitoring disabled. Pete Fuller, Tracking Server Systems Administrator 2055 North Brown Road, Suite 225, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 M: 678.677.5864 pete_fuller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx │ Innovation That Protects