don't worry. I still working in this copy, how can i do to insert newlines to generate the copy dynamically and avoid the syntax error.
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 11:11 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 08/12/2016 08:15 AM, Edmundo Robles wrote:
Adrian, your'e right, the real problem is the slow insert, I have
many devices reporting to the server and saving their state each
minute so there is a moment where i reach the limit of connections and
the monitor device send a exception and crash.
The table grows a lot, current have more than 13,000,000 records, plus
have many indexes, that the reason why is slow to insert That's why i
tried to use copy.
My COPY example turned out to be a bust, so ignore. Sorry.
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 9:43 AM, Adrian Klaveradrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:adrian.klaver@aklaver.<adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx < >> wrote:
On 08/12/2016 07:11 AM, Edmundo Robles wrote:
I hope you could help me...
I tried to generate the next copy instruction in a function:
copy tablefoo (id_foo, foo_name, foo_lastname, foo_age) FROM stdin
DELIMITER as '|' ;
** The commands to generate the copy are:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_tablefoo(id integer, name
lastname varchar, age integer)
... declarations ...
qry=format('copy tablefoo (id_foo, foo_name, foo_lastname,
FROM stdin DELIMITER as '||chr(39) || '|' || chr(39) || ';' ||
||'%s|%s|%s|%s' || chr(13) || '\.',id,name,lastname,age);
... more declarations
end <- end function, returns an integer.
** then, i call the function:
select insert_tablefoo(12321,'John','Doe',33);
**and get the next error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "12321"
LINE 2: 12321|John|Doe|33
********** Error **********
after many tests, the problem is concatenate the newline,
because if
the instruction generated is copied to a file and insert
manually the
newline the query works well.
i tried with chr(10), '\n', '\r', split the qry string ( execute
qry_copy || E'\\n' || qry_data || E'\\n\\.')
but always get the same error :(
ERROR: syntax error at or near "12321"
SQL state: 42601
** By the way, i tried to replace an insert with copy
because the
insert takes more than 3 minutes to insert a single record.
The above seems to be the real problem.
Can you describe more what you are doing when you INSERT?
Regards and thanks in advance.
Adrian Klavercom >
Adrian Klaver