On 8/7/2016 10:26 AM, Philippe Girolami
More weirdness this afternoon : the wraparound ERROR showed up again even though I have trouble believing I burned through so many transactions in under a day. But let’s assume I did, here is what I noticed 1) I vacuumed all other databases. For everyone of those, the age went down to 50M instead of zero. Is that normal ? 2) The only database that didn’t work on was template0 (the age did not change). It did work on template1 Should I suspect something fishy going on ? do you have any long running 'idle in transaction' sessions? these would show up in pg_stat_activity, you want to look at now()-xact_start to see the age of the oldest of these. no tuples newer than the oldest xact_start can be vacuumed.
-- john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz |