CREATE TABLE jsontbl ( id int, label text, json_obj json);
I need the create two rows from the following JSON, with the json_obj in each row equal to the text/json object in the content
I'd like to not have to hard-code the columns ...
I've dead-ended at:
SELECT jpr.*, json_src
FROM json_array_elements($json$[ { "id":1, "label":"one" }, { "id":2, "label":"two" } ]$json$::json) jae (json_src),
LATERAL json_populate_record(null::jsontbl, json_src) jpr
Which gets me all of the content but I'm stumped at how to send this through "INSERT INTO jsobtbl" without knowing the columns and without removing the ".*"
Looking for inspiration here...
It would nice to simply have a function defined:
RETURNS TABLE (out_rec anyelement, src_json json)
I can easily live with the treatment of out_rec as a composite type.
David J.