I've got the following query:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT j0_.id) AS sclr0 FROM ja_customers j0_ WHERE ((LOWER(j0_.name_first) LIKE '%asd%' OR LOWER(j0_.name_last) LIKE '%asd%' OR LOWER(j0_.company) LIKE '%asd%' OR LOWER(j0_.phone) LIKE '%asd%' OR LOWER(j0_.mobile) LIKE '%asd%') AND j0_.deleted = 'f' AND j0_.clientid = 2565) AND j0_.clientid = 2565
It returns: 3
I created a GIN index;
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY ON public.ja_customers USING gin (name_first gin_trgm_ops, name_last gin_trgm_ops, company gin_trgm_ops, phone gin_trgm_ops, mobile gin_trgm_ops);
New query to hit the new index:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT j0_.id) AS sclr0 FROM ja_customers j0_ WHERE j0_.name_first LIKE '%asd%' OR j0_.name_last LIKE '%asd%' OR j0_.company LIKE '%asd%' OR j0_.phone LIKE '%asd%' OR j0_.mobile LIKE '%asd%' AND j0_.deleted = 'f' AND j0_.clientid = 2565 AND j0_.clientid = 2565
It returns: 532
The problem is that the new query returns different results...
Please, what am I missing guys?
David J.