Well the job is done. The talend component is working (https://github.com/parisni/talend/tree/master/tPostgresqlOutputBulkAPHP). It allows creating a file (binary or csv) locally, and then use the COPY function with "FROM STDIN" that does not need to push the file on a remote database server.
I have made a little comparison test:
column1: character varying
column2: integer
column3: boolean
10 000 000 tuples
Type | Create file time | Bulk load time | Total Time | File size
Binary | 11137 milliseconds | 21661 milliseconds | 32798 milliseconds | 250 MOCSV | 23226 milliseconds | 22192 milliseconds | 45418 milliseconds | 179 MO
Binary format is definitely faster and safer
- faster because writing binary is faster than text file. I guess the bulk load time bottleneck is the network, then this is equivalent for both format. It is two time faster to load a binary when the file is on the database server.
- safer thanks to the format (each value is preceded by its lenght) more robust thant CSV and separators (that can be present in the text).
Code has been based on :
- https://github.com/uwescience/myria/blob/master/src/edu/washington/escience/myria/PostgresBinaryTupleWriter.java
- https://github.com/bytefish/PgBulkInsert/tree/master/PgBulkInsert/src/main/de/bytefish/pgbulkinsert/pgsql/handlers
- https://github.com/uwescience/myria/blob/master/src/edu/washington/escience/myria/PostgresBinaryTupleWriter.java
- https://github.com/bytefish/PgBulkInsert/tree/master/PgBulkInsert/src/main/de/bytefish/pgbulkinsert/pgsql/handlers
2016-05-10 15:08 GMT+02:00 Cat <cat@xxxxxxxxxx>:
On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 03:00:55PM +0200, Nicolas Paris wrote:
> > The way I want is :
> > csv -> binary -> postgresql
> >
> > Is this just to be quicker or are you going to add some business logic
> > while converting CSV data?
> > As you mentioned ETL, I assume the second, as I don't think that
> > converting CSV to binary and then loading it to PostgreSQL will be more
> > convenient than loading directly from CSV... as quicker as it can be, you
> > have anyway to load data from CSV.
> >
> Right, ETL process means huge business logic.
> get the data (csv or other) -> transform it -> produce a binary -> copy
> from binary from stdin
> Producing 100GO CSVs, is a waste of time.
Ah. You need to fiddle with the data. Then you need to weigh the pros of
something agnostic to Postgres's internals to something that needs to be
aware of them.
You will need to delve into the source code for data types more complex
than INTEGER, TEXT and BYTEA (which was the majority of my data when I
was just looking into it).
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- http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/wacky/indeed/story-e6frev20-1111118083480