Good old fashioned "print" :)
I tend to use RAISE DEBUG, and look in the logs. The most complicated procedures we have in our system are enforcing state diagram changes for a given field that tracks an object status, so maybe this doesn't scale well.
On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Guyren Howe <guyren@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is a fork from my "Love your database" question. It's a separable concern, so I moved it here.
Let's say I want to use Postgres' *amazing* support for lots of languages. I want to use _javascript_ or PERL or Ruby or something. How do I debug the code?
I can imagine things you might set up: using LISTEN/NOTIFY to a simple logger that would let you see what's going on. There are breakpoints and such in PGAdmin, but I'll be that doesn't work for other languages.
Any thoughts?
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