I started with empty table with index over
custom_fields | jsonb
custom_fields | jsonb
defined as:
"idx_learners_custom_fields" gin (custom_fields)
"idx_learners_custom_fields" gin (custom_fields)
Globally gin_pending_list_limit set to 2MB.
Database version is 9.5.2.
Now question:
If table populated with 1M records in single transaction then the final size of the GIN index is:
4265 MB
If table populated with 1M records in single transaction then the final size of the GIN index is:
4265 MB
but after I performed reindex index idx_learners_custom_fields;
the index size had been reduced 15x to 295 MB.
Is this behavior expected?
Maxim Boguk
Senior Postgresql DBA
Phone RU: +7 910 405 4718
Phone AU: +61 45 218 5678
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/maksym-boguk/80/b99/b1b
Skype: maxim.boguk
Jabber: maxim.boguk@xxxxxxxxx
"People problems are solved with people.
If people cannot solve the problem, try technology.
People will then wish they'd listened at the first stage."
Senior Postgresql DBA
Phone RU: +7 910 405 4718
Phone AU: +61 45 218 5678
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/maksym-boguk/80/b99/b1b
Skype: maxim.boguk
Jabber: maxim.boguk@xxxxxxxxx
"People problems are solved with people.
If people cannot solve the problem, try technology.
People will then wish they'd listened at the first stage."