Repeating the query to improve the self-containment aspect of the email would have been appreciated.
if possible please have a look on the explain analyze results:What else can I do?The indexes I created is:- CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY ix_inode_segments_notes_clientids2 ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree ("full_path");
the only condition that could even potentially use this index is:
s.full_path ~ '/userfiles/account/[0-9]+/[a-z]+/[0-9]+'
My knowledge is limited in this area, and the documentation covers this specific dynamic only minimally, but for certain attempting to perform an un-anchored regexp match using a btree index is impossible.
These leaves to avenues to explore.
1) See if a start-of-string anchor will make the btree index usable
2) Use the pg_trgm contrib module
- CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY ix_inodes_checksum_st_size ON gorfs.inodes USING btree ("checksum_md5","st_size");
This one was used.
IMO you are leaving too much infomation encoded in the full_path. I'd personally setup triggers to parse out the components on insert/update into fields and then index those fields. In fact I'd probably use some form of inheritance or other one-to-one relationship here.
David J.