Inline paste of the two files below. Replace the paths with
your environment:
-- PROMPT1 is
the primary prompt
\set PROMPT1
%n@%/%R%#%x '
-- PROMPT2 is the secondary (query continue) prompt
\set PROMPT2
%n@%/%R %# '
# Intelligently return local hostname, or remote server
# - list file descriptors of my parent PID (psql command)
# - include only FD #3, which is the postgres socket
# - print the NAME column
name=$(/usr/sbin/lsof -p $PPID -a -d 3 | tail -1 | awk '{print
if [[ "$name" == "socket" ]]; then
# We're on the local socket
hostname -f
# Cut out the destination machine from the socket pair
echo $( sed 's/.*->\(.*\):postgres/\1/' <<<
$name )
Thank you!