On 04/12/2016 07:51 AM, Edson Richter wrote:
> Same machine, same cluster - just different database name.
Hmm, running tests against the same cluster you are running the
production database would seem to be a performance hit against the
production database and potentially dangerous should the tests trip a
bug that crashes the server.
> Atenciosamente,
> Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
> Em 12/04/2016 11:46, John R Pierce escreveu:
>> On 4/12/2016 7:25 AM, Edson Richter wrote:
>>> I have a database "Customer" with about 60Gb of data.
>>> I know I can backup and restore, but this seems too slow.
>>> Is there any other option to duplicate this database as
>>> "CustomerTest" as fast as possible (even fastar than backup/restore)
>>> - better if in one operation (something like "copy database A to B")?
>>> I would like to run this everyday, overnight, with minimal impact to
>>> prepare a test environment based on production data.
>> copy to the same machine, or copy to a different test server?
>> different answers.
Adrian Klaver
Hi Adrian,
Thanks for your insight. This is not a “test system” in the way I’m testing the database server code.
This is kind of “pre-production evaluation”, the stage were customer will say “yes” or “no” for publishing a new version of our system into production.
Also, server is plenty of RAM and processor cores, so I don’t foresee any kind of trouble here.
The is risk is lower than running a heavy reporting system over the database server.
The point is that customers want to test the new version of our system as close as possible of the production environment.