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Re: Bypassing NULL elements in row_to_json function

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On 04/10/2016 08:39 AM, Michael Nolan wrote:
Here's what I did:

  \d gold1604_test
Table "uscf.gold1604_test"
  Column | Type | Modifiers
  data   | json |

Some sample data:
  {"id":"10000001","name":"MISNER, J
"A"} +


   {"id":"10000003","name":"MISNER, J

uscf-> \d goldmast_test
          Table "uscf.goldmast_test"
  Column |         Type          | Modifiers
  id     | character varying(8)  |
  name   | character varying(40) |
  st     | character varying(2)  |
  exp    | date                  |
  sts    | character(1)          |
  supp   | date                  |
  rrtg   | character varying(8)  |
  qrtg   | character varying(8)  |
  brtg   | character varying(8)  |
  oqrtg  | character varying(8)  |
  obrtg  | character varying(8)  |
  fid    | character varying(12) |

insert into goldmast_test select * from
json_populate_record(NULL::"goldmast_test", (select * from gold1604_test
limit 1) )
uscf=> select * from goldmast_test;
     id    |       name       | st |    exp     | sts | supp | rrtg |
qrtg | brtg
  | oqrtg | obrtg | fid
  10000001 | MISNER, J NATHAN | NY | 2012-05-31 | A   |      |      |      |
  |       |       |
(1 row)

The fact that the null values were stripped out is not an issue here.

uscf=> insert into goldmast_test select * from
json_populate_record(NULL::"goldmast_test", (select * from gold1604_test
limit 2) )
uscf-> \g
ERROR:  more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

Is there a way to get around the one row per subquery issue?
Per Davids post:

json_populate_recordset(base anyelement, from_json json)

Expands the outermost array of objects in from_json to a set of rows whose columns match the record type defined by base (see note below). select * from json_populate_recordset(null::myrowtype, '[{"a":1,"b":2},{"a":3,"b":4}]')
Mike Nolan

Adrian Klaver

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