On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 11:33 AM, arnaud gaboury <arnaud.gaboury@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The query :What I am trying to do: I want the <home_dir> be returned for <username> u.I have one table email.mail.mailusers :I have one view email.mail_dir :
Table "email.mailusers"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage
| Stats target | Description
username | text | not null | extende
d | |
password | text | not null | extende
d | |
domain_name | text | not null default 'thetradinghall.com'::text | extende
d | |
created | timestamp with time zone | not null default now() | plain
| |
"mailusers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (username, domain_name)
Foreign-key constraints:
"mailusers_domain_fk" FOREIGN KEY (domain_name) REFERENCES email.domainlist(domain_name)
username | password | domain_name | created
arnaud.gaboury | XXXXYYYYYY | thetradinghall.com | 2016-02-04 09:48:58.834774+01
admin |XXXYYYYYY | thetradinghall.com | 2016-03-29 09:58:14.599743+02
postmaster | XXXYYYYYY | thetradinghall.com | 2016-03-31 16:36:18.96176+02
View "email.mail_dir"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
home_dir | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT ((mailusers.domain_name || '/'::text) || mailusers.username) || '/'::text AS home_dir
FROM email.mailusers;
SELECT d.home_dir
FROM email.mail_dir d, email.mailusers u
WHERE u.username='arnaud.gaboury';But it returns:
(3 rows)It is obviously not what I expect. I am expecting one answer in this case: thetradinghall.com/arnaud.gaboury/Thank you for any help. I have been trying with no sucess. Maybe one solution could be to create a new view with <home_dir> | username as columns ?
EDIT : I found a solution with creating a new view this way:
SELECT domain_name||'/'||username||'/' AS home_dir,username
FROM email.mailusers;
SELECT domain_name||'/'||username||'/' AS home_dir,username
FROM email.mailusers;
home_dir | username
thetradinghall.com/arnaud.gaboury/ | arnaud.gaboury
thetradinghall.com/admin/ | admin
thetradinghall.com/postmaster/ | postmaster
thetradinghall.com/arnaud.gaboury/ | arnaud.gaboury
thetradinghall.com/admin/ | admin
thetradinghall.com/postmaster/ | postmaster
Now I can pick up the home_dir for username u.