Tom, Jerry, I'm going to do the same as the `quote_identifier`
function of Postgres does, only quote if necessary.
Thanks for your explanation, Roman.
On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 1:31 AM, Jerry Sievers <gsievers19@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Roman Scherer <roman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Hello,
> I'm building a DSL in Clojure for SQL and specifically PostgreSQL
> [1]. When building a SQL statement that contains a function call
> I always quote the function name with \" in case the function
> name contains any special characters. Here's an example:
> (select db ['(upper "x")])
> ;=> ["SELECT \"upper\"(?)" "x"]
> This worked fine so far, but today I found a case that doesn't
> work as expected, the COALESCE function.
> (select db ['(coalesce nil 0)])
> ;=> ["SELECT \"coalesce\"(NULL, 0)"]
> Can someone explain to me what's the difference between quoting
> the `upper` and the `coalesce` function? I can execute the
> following statements via psql, and it works as expected:
> SELECT upper ('x');
> SELECT "upper"('x');
> SELECT coalesce(NULL, 1);
> But as soon as I try this with `coalesce` I get an error:
> SELECT "coalesce"(NULL, 1);
While not a precise answer to your question, it may be of interest to
note that coalesce is *not* a function.
It is a language construct with a function-like syntax.
select distinct proname from pg_proc where proname in ('coalesce', 'lower');
(1 row)
> ERROR: function coalesce(unknown, integer) does not exist
> LINE 1: SELECT "coalesce"(NULL, 1);
> ^
> HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
> What I found so far is, that the `upper` function can be found in
> the `pg_proc` table but not `coalesce`.
> SELECT proname FROM pg_proc WHERE proname ILIKE 'upper';
> SELECT proname FROM pg_proc WHERE proname ILIKE 'coalesce';
> Does this mean that `coalesce` isn't a classical function and I
> shouldn't quote it? Is it instead a keyword, as described in
> the "Lexical Structure" section of the docs [2]? How can I find
> out which other functions are not meant to be quoted?
> I'm aware that I do not need to quote the `coalesce` and `upper`
> functions and I may change my strategy for quoting functions names.
> Thanks for you help, Roman.
> [1]
> [2]
Jerry Sievers
Postgres DBA/Development Consulting
p: 312.241.7800