I wouldn't ask if I wouldn't have tested it!Will have a look.I didn't asked if you tested what you did post. I asked if you tried anything else before asking to be fed the answer. If you did it would be nice to include those other attempts.David J.It's already working:INSERT INTO junk.wm_260_billables2 (account_id, code, info)
SELECT account_id, 'test_' || uuid_generate_v4(), info
FROM junk.wm_260_billables1;BUT.. I'm getting a very long UUID - Would like some smallertest_ea8bacbe-fa3c-4072-b511-643a56feb40e
SELECT 'test_' || substring(uuid_generate_v4()::text, 1, 1);
Or use a sequence, or just compute "ROW_NUMBER() OVER ()" and tack that on.
David J.